원래 어제 저녁으로 하려고 했는데 일정이 너무 바뻐서 오늘로 미뤄서 저녁 식사 맛있게 잘 먹었습니다.
아직은 5명 밖에 없지만, 머지않아 아이들도 잘 독립해서 더 많은 가족들이 모일 수 있으면 좋겠다는 생각을 해 봅니다 :)
다들 건강한 연휴 보내셨죠?
왜 미국 Thanksgiving 과 캐나다 Thanksgiving이 1달 가량 다르게 되어 있는지에 대해 궁금해서 찾아보니,
미국보다 더 먼저 캐나다에 도착해서 미국보다 좀 더 빠르게 기념했다는 기록이 있다고 하고,
위치적으로 캐나다가 좀 더 일찍 추수를 했기 때문이라는 것도 원인이라고 하네요~~ 아래 내용 참고하세요~~
Why is the Canadian Thanksgiving in October? | Casa Toronto |
The origins of Canadian Thanksgiving are more closely connected to the traditions of Europe than of the United States. Long before Europeans settled in North America, festivals of thanks and celebrations of harvest took place in Europe in the month of October. The very first Thanksgiving celebration in North America took place in Canada when Martin Frobisher, an explorer from England, arrived in Newfoundland in 1578. He wanted to give thanks for his safe arrival to the New World. That means the first Thanksgiving in Canada was celebrated 43 years before the pilgrims landed in Plymouth, Massachusetts!
Another reason for Canadian Thanksgiving arriving earlier than its American counterpart is that Canada is geographically further north than the United States, causing the Canadian harvest season to arrive earlier than the American harvest season. And since Thanksgiving for Canadians is more about giving thanks for the harvest season than the arrival of pilgrims, it makes sense to celebrate the holiday in October. So what are the differences between Canadian and American Thanksgiving, other than the date? Not much! Both Canadians and Americans celebrate Thanksgiving with parades, family gatherings, pumpkin pie and a whole lot of turkey!
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