캐나다 Canada

집에 찾아오는 Hot water tank 업체들 조심하세요~ (잘 동작하는 걸 교체유도한다고 합니다.)

캐나다맑은하늘 2021. 9. 29. 11:35


물론 hot water tank가 문제가 있을 수도 있지만, 집마다 다니면서, 밀고 들어와서 수질검사를 한다고 하거나, Hot water tank를 점검한다고 하면서 account no 등 정보를 알아내서, 새 tank로 교체시키고, 다른 업체로 이동하게 하는 경우가 있어요.


저는 Reliance에서 렌탈로 hot water tank 사용중인데 오늘 아래와 같은 메일이 와서 참고로 공유해 드리고 갑니다.


참고로 reliance에서 hot water tank 렌탈중 문제가 생기면 고쳐주는것도 다 하는것으로 알고 있어요.

다른 데에서 렌탈하셔도 그런 서비스 무료로 있을거니까 제3의 업체를 불러서 비용지불하지 마시구요~ 렌탈하는 업체에 먼저 전화 꼭 해 보세요!


Dear Valued Reliance™ Customer,


We have recently been made aware of Reliance customers receiving unsolicited calls with offers of free energy audits as a means to gain entry to the customers’ homes. Customers then receive water heater inspections, are told their water heaters require replacement, and enroll with other rental companies, often at higher rates, for longer terms and with expensive exit penalties.


This sort of solicitation may be illegal as the Ontario Consumer Protection Act only permits in-home sales and rentals of water heaters where consumers have initiated contact with suppliers, subject to limited exceptions. Beware of such potentially illegal solicitation!


At Reliance, the well being of our customers remains our top priority during these challenging times. We want to make sure you’re protected from potentially unreputable water heater providers that may be making misleading promises or misrepresenting themselves as Reliance.


Here are 7 tips that will help give you peace of mind:

Never let anyone into your home if they show up unannounced.

Upon arrival, if a service technician’s identification badge is not visible, ask to see it. If they cannot produce one with a Reliance logo, don’t let them in your home.

Always ask to see their Reliance identification badge before you permit entrance into your home.

We will not call you to schedule annual water heater inspections.

We will not call you regarding any “potential safety concerns” related to your water heater or gas appliances. These simply cannot be diagnosed without being in your home.

Be wary about providing personal information over the phone, particularly for incoming calls. We will never call and ask customers for their date of birth.

We always follow-up your service request with an email confirming the date, appointment window, service location and confirmation number.


If you suspect any fraudulent activity, we encourage you to report it to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre at 1-888-495-8501. You may also contact your local police force or Consumer Protection Ontario.


As a business that’s provided outstanding heating, cooling, and hot water solutions to Canadians for over 50 years, we believe you should never have to worry about being without hot water. As such, we are committed to providing you with:

Live customer support 24/7/365 for all your inquiries

Trucks stocked with the parts needed to complete repairs on the first call – including replacement water heaters in the event yours can’t be fixed*

Service as soon as same day including weekends and holidays

Access to one of Canada’s largest teams of licensed water heater technicians

No charge for repairs or replacement of your rental equipment*

Experience and expertise from a home comfort industry leader for over 50 years – we are here to stay

Reliance is committed to offering you the best value, service and support. For help you can trust, Call on Reliance™ at 1-866-735-4262 for all your home comfort needs.


If you have specific questions or concerns about this email please call Reliance Customer Solutions at 1-866-767-1644.


Thank you for doing your part to help keep our communities safe as we navigate through this difficult time together.

