오늘 셋째 학교 선생님으로부터 메일이 왔네요. 학생 2명이 Peanut/ Tree nuts 가 들어간 도시락을 싸왔으니 그러면 안된다고 추가로 많은 이야기가 있는 메일이어서 옮겨봅니다.
한국에서 급식에 들어간 카레에 있는 우유 때문에 알러지 리액션이 생겨서 결국 큰 문제가 된 경우가 있다고 기억해요 (뉴스를 찾아보니 뇌사 상태로 있다가 결국 사망한거 같네요 ㅠㅠ) 그 때도 구급차에 에피펜이 있었으면 아이의 생명을 살릴 수 있었을건데 라는 말도 본 기억이 나는데요...
이런 제도가 만들어진 계기도 같이 소개해 드릴게요.
캐나다에서도 2003년 알러지 리액션으로 사망까지 한 Sabrina 라는 한 소녀(G9) 로 인해 전세계에서 처음으로 법으로까지 만들어졌다고 하네요..
어떤 부모들은 왜 못 싸가게 하느냐? 알러지 있는 애들이 다른데 가서 먹으면 되는거 아니냐? 그런 말을 하기도 한다고 들었어요.. 하지만 알러지 리액션 때문에 죽을 수도 or 심하게 위험할 수도 있는 상황이 있는 환경을 막는게 중요하다고 생각합니다.
아이들 점심을 싸주실때, 간식을 사실때 Peanut Free/ Tree nuts free인 제품도 많으니까 참고해 주시구요~~
Sabrina's Law
Sabrina’s Law requires that every school board in Ontario establish and maintain an anaphylaxis policy to help students with serious allergies.
Sabrina's Law
Sabrina’s Law requires that every school board in Ontario establish and maintain an anaphylaxis policy to help students with serious allergies.
아래 링크는 약 40분짜리 다큐멘터리도 있어요. 시간 되시면 한 번 보시는것도 좋을거 같습니다..
A documentary on the creation of Sabrina's Law in the province in Ontario, the first legislation in the world to protect children with deadly allergies. On a September morning in 2003, Sara Shannon handed her 13-year-old daughter Sabrina lunch money, gave her a kiss and watched her walk into the halls of a high school in Pembroke, Ontario. The next day Sabrina Shannon died of complications brought about by anaphylactic shock. Suspected cause of death: french fries from the school cafeteria. French fries that she had eaten before, only this time the cafeteria was also serving poutine. All it would take is for the same tongs to be used in both dishes to set off Sabrina's reaction to dairy. Since then her parents have dedicated their lives to ensuring that what happened will never happen to another child. |
Sabrina's Law
A documentary on the creation of Sabrina's Law in the province in Ontario, the first legislation in the world to protect children with deadly allergies. On a September …
아이들 교실에는 아래와 같은 내용의 종이가 붙어있고, 사진 + 알러지 종류 + 대응방법 + 연락처가 기록되어 있어요.
선생님의 메일도 참고로 옮겨드려요~~
Dear Parents and Guardians, Today two of our students came to school with peanut and tree nut products in their lunches. It is imperative that absolutely no not products come to school with these items. We do have students in our class who are gravely allergic to these products, as well as a student who is anaphylactic to coconut so I ask this year that no coconut is also brought to school. While I understand it is sometimes a little more effort to find peanut/tree nut /coconut-free products your children like, students who are allergic to these can potentially die and it is imperative that every student who comes to school has a safe environment. This is covered under Sabrina's law and was signed and completed in the forms you returned electronically at the beginning of the year. Having a son who outgrew a peanut / tree nut allergy, I understand both sides, and I can tell you, there is nothing more stressful than worrying about this as a parent every day your child leaves. For the students that did have these products today, I got food from our breakfast program, so they did not go hungry. For everyone's safety, please check what goes into your child's lunch. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, Mrs. Dubreuil |
다큐멘터리를 10분 정도밖에 못 보겠더라구요. 눈물 나는 다큐멘터리입니다.. ㅠㅠ
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